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Campbell High School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Campbell High School opened in 1965 and has maintained a tradition of excellence since that time.  During these years the school has continued its focus on academic achievement and development.  The school is at the base of Mount Ainslie and is straddled by the Australian War Memorial and CSIRO buildings.  The school has an open, welcoming feel and has a great view across the Parliamentary Triangle.

The School maintains strong links with the Clan Campbell of Scotland.  Both the suburb and the school take their name from Robert Campbell who settled the area in the early 1820s.  The Campbell heritage colours of blue, green, white and yellow are reflected in the uniform, colour code and individual house colours.  The four houses are named after prominent Australians with significant education links - Daley, Dickson, Lind and Stephens.

The School crest and motto are also taken from those of the Clan Campbell.  The crest which is believed to have originated in the 5th century, features the boar's head that symbolises the Celtic legend of Diarmid O'Duibhne (an ancestor of the Argyll Campbells) who killed a fierce boar that had been ravaging his area.  The boar was viewed as a fierce combatant, one that never ceases to fight.  In the crest, it is encircled by a fess, a girdle of honour with the motto - Ne Obliviscaris - advising people "Do Not Forget!”

At Campbell High School excellence in student achievement is our core business. The relevance, purpose and connectedness of the curriculum should enable all students to have every chance to succeed.  The curriculum at Campbell High School follows the ACT Curriculum Framework, “Every Chance to Learn”, and values all the learning that is planned, guided and implemented by the school. In 2012 we will begin the transition to the Australian Curriculum to ensure all students have access to the most contemporary curriculum available in Australia.

Literacy and numeracy is a focus at Campbell High School and is addressed across all curriculum areas. Our school’s Strategic Plan has a strong focus on writing in 2012.

Year 7

To support students in their transition to high school, all year 7 students follow a similar course of study for the entire year. The program provides opportunities within curriculum areas for students to pursue their interests and maximise their capabilities. The year 7 program addresses learning in the following areas:

Full year courses

English, Studies of Society and Environment,  Mathematics, Personal Development, Health and PE, Science, Languages (French or Japanese)

Four 10-week units covering The Arts and Technology

Art, Drama, Wood Technology, Food Studies

Students can also elect to join the School Band program that operates as a timetabled class in conjunction with the Arts/Technology rotation.

As enrolments draw from across the ACT and NSW, a range of diagnostic assessments in literacy and numeracy are used at the start of the year to ensure teachers have a comprehensive understanding of each student’s strengths and needs in these areas.  Year 7 students are placed into different class groupings for their various courses. Students who are identified as needing additional support in literacy and numeracy have the opportunity to participate in Campbell High School’s Excel program which operates across English, Mathematics, Science and SoSE.

In the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and SoSE, classes are structured to provide opportunities for students to be extended and in Mathematics an extension class is offered. Students' progress is monitored throughout the year and adjustments to placements are made when necessary.

Great care is taken to place students with friends from primary school into contact groups which are based on the school's four houses: Daley, Dickson, Lind and Stephens.

Additional teacher support is provided for those students who require assistance.

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education classes may be grouped as co-educational or single sex and an advanced class is formed to extend students who demonstrate greater potential in this area.

Year 8

The year 8 program addresses learning in each of the following areas:

English, Mathematics, SoSE, Science, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Languages  (It is compulsory for students in years 3-8 in ACT government schools to study a second language).

Semester electives

One elective unit is studied each semester, with students selecting one Arts unit and one Technology unit. The units offered to year 8 students include:

Art, Food Studies, Industrial Design, Drama, Textiles and Design, Graphic Communication, Music, Wood Technology, Metal Technology, Band

An advanced PE group is established during semester 1.

Years 9 and 10

As students progress in their learning in years 9 and 10, opportunities are provided to pursue interests and specialisation. However, the year 9 and 10 program still guarantees continuing programs of learning in the following core areas:

English, SoSE (Studies of Society and Environment), Mathematics, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Science

Students are also required to study at least one unit of technology and one unit from The Arts over the two years. A wide range of elective units are offered in:

The Arts, Design&Technology, Information Technology, Languages - French or Japanese, SoSE, Personal Development, Health and PE.

There are no minimum requirements in Languages.  In most elective units there are combined year 9/10 classes. The expertise of staff determines which units will be offered. Student demand determines which classes will actually run, as class sizes must be sufficient to ensure viability.

A detailed handbook describing the year 9/10 electives is provided to students during term 3  to assist them in making their elective choices for the following year.

Student Management Philosophy

Campbell High School is an active and productive centre of learning, providing quality education to enable all students to achieve their full potential by providing a wide range of academic, social and physical opportunities. Campbell High is committed to excellence and there is a constant expectation that all our students will achieve their ‘personal best’.  Our Student Management Program stresses the importance of the classroom environment and school climate and emphasises teacher/student relationships based on mutual respect.

Campbell High School Standard Community Rules

In general, all students should:

Respect the rights of others to work and to learn undisturbed.

Be polite and pleasant in relationships with teachers and other students.

Follow the reasonable requests of teachers pleasantly and promptly.

Specifically, students should observe these common sense rules:

Students should be present and on time.

Students should come to class with relevant learning materials.

Students should be prepared to participate in class and to complete homework/projects.

When either a student of teacher talks, everyone should listen.

All members of our community should promote and preserve the self esteem and dignity of others. There should be no ‘put-downs’.

Students' language should be socially acceptable, appropriate and not offensive or obscene and should assist positive learning.

Students' behaviour should ensure that the classroom is free of physical intimidation.

Students should maintain classrooms as safe environments where no food or drink is consumed.

Students should respect the property of others and show care and consideration in using school resources.

Students should adhere to the school dress code.


Campbell High School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.