

Strathfield South High School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.
The school focuses on students, encouraging all to "Make learning their first aim". To support students in this the school has an extensive literacy program, an expanding technology support program and we make extensive use of teaching support personnel to support students with physical and learning disabilities. Initiatives in 2000 to assist students in this included: all students issued with homework diaries; weekly homework assignments for Year 7; regular year meetings where the importance of regular study and revision were emphasised; term meetings between individual Year 10, 11 and 12 students who were experiencing difficulties and the senior executive; the employment of a teacher to assist individual students in Years 7-10, on a 1:3 basis, to improve their basic skills.
“To stand still as a school is to die.” Strathfield South High School is constantly evolving and changing to meet the needs of our students and community. The school is always looking to improve on the learning that occurs in the classroom and to educate our students in becoming valuable members of society.
The school, however, will always have a number of core values that will impact on the decisions and programs that occur.
Students have the right to learn in an environment that is safe and free from harassment. At Strathfield South we take student discipline, good manners and respect for others as being the cornerstone of the learning environment. Poor student behaviour will not be tolerated in any form and will be dealt with under the school and DET discipline codes.
The school prides itself on its uniform and presentation to the public. Our students are the public image of what the school is and as such should be part of how the school is presented. The school community has endorsed and is highly supportive of the wearing of school uniform. Student compliance in wearing uniform is a requirement in attending Strathfield South High School.
Student responsibility in attending school on time, everyday, being prepared for class and completing all class and homework is important in developing lifelong skills.
All students must have an academic focus to do their personal best. The school provides for all students including enrichment programs for academically gifted students as well as Learning support programs for students experiencing difficulty. There is a broad curriculum to cater for a wide range of student learning styles and interests.
There is a diverse range of cultural backgrounds of both students and teachers attending SSHS. There is also a belief that we are a community and we share common goals and standards in relation to learning. The school celebrates its diversity and history whilst remaining focused on its goals for the future. The school has shown great care for others through its many fundraising activities and peer support programs. The school ensures that tolerance and acceptance is part of all activities.
The ability for schools and communities to have trust and honesty in all interactions is vital in ensuring all stakeholders can have their needs met. It is a popular saying at Strathfield South High School “Let your yes be yes and your no mean no”
As Deputy Principals, we encourage all parents to be involved in the day-to-day activities at the school. The school can only grow stronger through parental support.
All parents and community members should feel free to contact the school at any time to discuss the programs occurring at Strathfield South High School and any special concerns that you may have.