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Jindalee State School Graduation certificate, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, diploma case

Why choose our School?

Our school is proud of its high Academic standards and academic performance, consistently performing above State averages, and with leadership in curriculum programs within the region and Centenary Learning Alliance of State Schools (CLASS).

A number of additional programs are available to enhance learning and student participation in schooling. The school promotes active student engagement in learning through:

The Jindalee Way, as a values base for success in learning and community life, and supporting a range of student abilities and needs. As well as being a whole school expectation, this is supported by a range of support staff and programs of interest to visiting educators as examples of best practice.

e-learning programs include an extensive 1-1 laptop program in the upper school from Year 4, as well as digital learning experiences commencing in Prep and throughout the school;

International Student program supporting a range of overseas students and augmenting the multicultural background of our community;

Sporting activities including team sports and opportunities for individual excellence in sports through a range of coaching and competitive sports, as well as recreational activities to promote health and fitness;

Music programs incorporating vibrant classroom and instrumental music programs involving many students in choral, strings, bands (orchestral and jazz) and Orffschulwerk instrumental programs.

A range of additional Enrichment and Enhancement programs such as Tech Crew and various clubs, competitions and skills programs provide our students with experiences for a balanced and engaging student life leading on to secondary education.

To develop these programs, our school has:

a mixture of classroom types. Each classroom is internet-connected.

The Resource Centre Library and Electronic Learning Centre are also internet-connected. There are separate rooms for English as a second language, Classroom Music and Instrumental music, and various learning support programs.

The school main hall accommodates Physical Education, many sports, The Arts program and major assemblies and lunchtime activities. The Hall and Resource Centre buildings have activities rooms that are also used for meetings and various activities which add to learning opportunities for students.

An excellent athletics and playing field oval, as well as courts for netball, tennis, basketball, badminton and volleyball. Grounds are well-cared for and support shade trees and gardens, as well as sustainability projects.

Code of Behaviour - The Jindalee Way

The highest standards of behaviour are expected at all times. "The Jindalee Way" describes the behaviour that is expected.

Concerns about discipline are addressed quickly with an emphasis on respecting the needs of others, accepting responsibility for the choices we make and making better choices in the future. Through this approach we support students to develop self -control.

We believe this is achieved by:

Communicating clear expectations

Recognising and acknowledging those who are doing the right thing

Encouraging ownership and responsibility for behaviour

Applying logical consequences

Implementing least intrusive strategies first (eg. working with the student before referral to the principal or parents for their intervention)

Encouraging a better choice of behaviour in the future.

Emphasis is placed on a positive, supportive environment. Awards are used to recognise and encourage students to behave in the Jindalee Way.

When students have made a poor choice, one of the consequences that may be used is a Responsible Behaviour Lesson (RBL). In an RBL the student completes a reflection sheet, including an apology, under teacher supervision during the play break. A note explaining the reason for the RBL is then taken home by the student for a parent to sign.

The involvement of parents in each child's development is very important. When significant concerns exist or a significant incident occurs parents will be contacted. Discussions on behaviour can be initiated by parents at any convenient time. Sharing of information likely to impact on a child's behaviour is vital.

The school promotes the proactive strategies to counter antisocial behaviour. Our expectation is that, at all times, each child will give of his or her best in the climate created within the school and that parents will be partners with the school in supporting this.

Academic Achievement

Our school focuses on the importance of well developed literacy and numeracy skills. These are vital foundations of learning.

We are proud of our students and the results they achieve in state and national testing. In both literacy and numeracy our students consistently achieve above the state average. The achievements of many of our students are also recognised in scholastic competitions. Each year a significant number of students achieve results in the top 10% of Queensland students.

We believe that our school reflects the traditional values and beliefs of our society. We provide a range of opportunities for our children. One of our roles is to assist children to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to learn skills for lifelong learning. This is achieved by providing a range of options in addition to the normal school program.

Parent/Teacher Communication

Developing productive partnerships between the home and the school is important in achieving the best possible educational opportunities for your child. A productive partnership is enhanced through good communication and mutual support.

At the beginning of the school year parents are invited to an information evening to meet their child's teacher. This is an excellent opportunity to make an initial contact with the teacher and discuss the plans for the year ahead. Your involvement and support is will ensure a successful year for your child.

A system of continuous assessment is used to monitor each child's progress. Written reports are issued mid-year and at the end of the school year. Parent/Teacher meetings are conducted during first semester.

Teachers are available throughout the year for informal meetings arranged at times mutually suitable. Please contact the school to arrange a convenient time.

We strongly urge parents to discuss their children's work and talk over any problems which may arise. A partnership between the home and the school is essential.

Catering For Individual Needs

We believe that the school should provide programs appropriate to the needs of the students. To achieve this, programs are provided which both support children and challenge them.

We are proud of the caring nature of our school community and the difference that our programs make in addressing the needs of children. Through Individual Education Plans, learning support programs and intervention, we are successful in identifying and catering for children identified with special needs.

Programs that extend and enrich students are also part of the Jindalee curriculum. Each year additional programs are provided for identified children. These include programs to enhance thinking skills, problem solving and advanced mathematical and literacy skills. Students are also provided with opportunities to participate in the Tournament of Minds and various scholastic competitions.

Additional support is provided for children with identified learning needs. This is arranged through special needs support involving class teacher, parents, school administration and support teacher learning difficulties.

Preparing Your Child for School

You can help your child settle into school by fostering good habits of punctuality and regular attendance and encouraging positive attitudes to school. Close liaison and mutual support between home and school helps your child to achieve maximum benefit from the educational opportunities offered at our school.

Help your child to become familiar with the possessions to be brought to school. Please label clearly all possessions, including books, equipment and clothing. Assisting your child to establish routines will also prove beneficial.

Toys / Personal belongings

All personal belongings should be clearly marked with the owner's name. Unmarked articles are placed in the lost property area in the A block stairwell. Toys, collector cards, electronic games and such should not be brought to school. Children often become distressed if these items are lost or damaged.

Mobile telephones

Some students have parents requiring their children have mobile telphones in the event of need for contact while their children are travelling to and from school. The school can accept no responsibility for these telephones. It is required that students turn such telephones off when they enter the school grounds, and leave them off during their time at school. Any contact students need to make outside the school during the school day should be done through the school office. Through this procedure we have sought to maintain student safety concerns, while not condoning inappropriate use of telephones and their various associated functions.


The school newsletter is published each Wednesday. This contains many items of interest to parents including changes and updates to school events and policies.


Various excursions are organised throughout the year to enrich the children's learning. These tours incorporate visits to areas of interest appropriate to the children's current education or to enrich their cultural experience. Information about these events is provided in advance and parents' permission is required. Every effort is made to ensure costs are kept affordable.

Our school P & C policy requires using vehicles equipped with seat belts on longer journeys. Parents are informed of the transport arrangements so that they can make an informed decision about participation.

Children in the upper primary year levels will have the opportunity to participate in an annual school camp.


It is not appropriate that students wear jewellery to school other than a wristwatch and earring studs or sleepers. Makeup is also not to be worn. These items may be required to be removed during activities where safety concerns may arise.

School Hours

Please ensure that children arrive at school with sufficient time to prepare for the day's lessons. Ideally, students should arrive by 8:45am but not before 8:15am. Students arriving before 8.30am are required to sit and wait in designated areas. School commences at 8:55am and continues until 3pm for all year levels. The School Aged care program operates from 7am to  8.30am in morings (and 3 - 6pm after school)

First break: 11:00 am to 11:30 am

Second break: 1:00 pm to 1:45 pm

At the beginning of each break, time is set aside for all children to sit and eat.

School Dismissal

School work finishes at 3:00pm. Parents will realise that the end of the day routine may require a little extra time. Parents who drive to pick up students must obey all road safety rules relating to parking, pick up and drop off (green) zones, bus stops and crossings. No parking is available in the School grounds to pick up or drop off children. Please impress on your children the importance of road safety. Parents are encouraged to spread their pickup times to reduce road congestion. Most students being picked up by vehicle are able to be accommodated on the road system between 3 and 3.20pm.

Student Absence

If a child is absent from school, it is in the child's and parents' interest to contact the school by telephone, email or note to advise of the absence. Until the school is notified, the absence is recorded as being 'unexplained'.

Illness at School

Every attempt is made to contact parents if children become ill or suffer accidents while at school. Please ensure that the school is made aware of any alterations in contact details.


Should medication prescribed by the student's medical practitioner be required to be administered while the student is at school or involved in school approved activities, a parent or caregiver must make a written request to the Principal. Instructions for administering the medication must be provided to the school by the doctor, chemist or dentist prescribing the medication. The instructions need to provide specific times at which the medication is to be taken as well as dosage. All medication should be dispensed from the office. Please note, departmental policies prevent the school administering pain-masking medication without medical advice.

Parents and Citizens Association

The P & C Association of our school is actively involved in planing and decision making in our school. The P & C also works to enhance facilities and resources for the benefit of our students. Your involvement is encouraged and welcome.

Parent and community volunteers also assist with classroom programs such as reading groups. All assistance is highly valued. If you would like to be involved, please contact your child's teacher.

Sun Safe Policy

Protecting children from the effects of the sun is of vital importance. Strategies implemented as part of our school's Sunsafe Policy include:

· Appropriate uniform using material with a high sun protection factor

· Our school has a policy of No Hat - No Play. The hat is to be a broad-brimmed hat available from the uniform shop. Sunglasses are optional and should be UV-rated. Metallic reflecting lenses are considered to have social implications and should not be worn.

· A supply of roll-on sunscreen should be available for use by students and forms part of our list of personal items.

Education to raise awareness of the potential danger of unprotected exposure to the sun is part of school programs.


Jindalee State School Degree, undergraduate, master, doctor, transcript, certification, sample picture, original diploma case.